Gem-Sized, Tin-type Potraits in Miniature Albums, Needing Identification
The Society has in its collection two miniature photo albums with almost no identification. Bound in red leather with a gold design stamped on the outside, they measure approximately 1.5”x1.5”. Inside are pages with oval cut-outs for “gem-size” portraits. Some of the pages have detached from the binding, and it appears that some of the photographs may have fallen out. One album’s flyleaf has the initials “MS.” The other has “25”written on it. The title page of the “25” album says “Simmons and Co. New Bedford.” More information can be found in our blog post about these albums.
If you can help us to date or identify these photographs, please contact us!
If you can help us to date or identify these photographs, please contact us!