Reconstructed List of Names Most Likely on Former World War II Honor Roll in Acton Center by the end of the war
The honor roll, made of wood with names affixed and a glass covering, succumbed to the elements after years in front of the town hall.
This list is an attempt to recreate the roll of honor of Acton Men and Women in the Service as it existed at the end of the war. Lists of this type are rarely perfect to begin with, and we do not have the actual Roll of Honor to work from. If we have missed a person from Acton who served or the information here needs correction, please contact us.
This list is an attempt to recreate the roll of honor of Acton Men and Women in the Service as it existed at the end of the war. Lists of this type are rarely perfect to begin with, and we do not have the actual Roll of Honor to work from. If we have missed a person from Acton who served or the information here needs correction, please contact us.
Aldred, Earl R.
Aldred, Paul K.
Anderson, Edwin
Anderson, James M.
Anderson, John M.
Anderson, Walter A.
Anderson, Wilho M.
Baker, Milton
Ballard, Walter M.
Bartlett, Robert A.
Bartlett, W. C.
Beach, Alfred
Begley, Robert M.
Billings, Bernard
Bird, Jr., Frederick Thurston
Boatman, Dewey E.
Bohunicky, Philip W.
Bondelevitch, Stanley W.
Boyer, Jr., Charles W.
Bradley, James
Braman, Clarence E.
Braman, George A.
Briggs, Russell L.
Britt, Robert Francis (Killed in Action, Holland)
Brown, Robert
Bulette, Henry F.
Bundy, Hazel B.
Bundy, Lloyd
Bursaw, Burton B.
Bursaw, Edward W.
Bursaw, Kenneth
Bursaw, William W.
Butler, Edward
Butler, Horace Bert
Buxton, Harold A.
Callanan, Charles M.
Callanan, James B.
Campbell, Jean
Carey, Lester O.
Caron, Leo Wilfred
Charter, Franklin H.
Charter, John W.
Charter, Wesley D.
Chickering, Emerson
Chisholm, Walter F.
Claflin, Charles E.
Claflin, Jr., Leon M.
Clapp, Robert E.
Clapp, Victor
Clayton, George
Clemence, George B.
Cole, Thomas W.
Collins, Francis
Condon, William E.
Connor, Thomas L.
Conquest, Frederick S.
Conquest, John F.
Conquest, Thomas R.
Conroy, Francis J. (Killed)
Coombs, Earl I.
Costello, Edwin J.
Croft, John W.
Cullinane, Jr., Cornelius C.
Curley, John J.
Curley, Michael Gibbons
Curtis, Joseph W.
Curtis, Norman A.
Cushing, Preston L.
Danielson, Stanley M.
Davis, Jr., Henry A.
Davis, Ralph John
Day, Jr., Dr. Joseph P.
Day, III., Joseph P.
Decker, James Arthur
De Figueredo, Lincoln S.
Derby, Benjamin E.
Derby, Richard Allan
Dingee, James H.
Dingee, John Alton
Dora, Anthony J.
Downey, Frank E.
Downey, George P.
Doyle, Henry D.
Dragon, Augustave J.
Drury, Jr., William C.
Drury, William W.
Dugan, James L.
Duggan, John P.
Duggan, Peter J. (Killed in Action, Luzon)
Duren, Jr., Irving S.
Edney, James P.
Espie, Jr., James Eugene
Fanning, John H.
Farley, Jr., Charles J.
Farrar, John H.
Feely, William G.
Feltus, Donald O.
Feltus, Robert J.
Flagg, Jr., Alden C.
Fletcher, Robert J.
Flint, Carl W.
Foley, T. J.
Foote, Frederick M.
Foster, Albert Edward
Fraser, Margaret E.
Freeman, Carl A.
Freeman, Harold R.
Freeman, Samuel L.
Freeman, William H.
French, Jr., James H.
Gallagher, Thomas C.
Gallagher, Jr., Thomas C.
Gates, Dr. Paul P.
Gilbert, Alfred
Gilbert, George Bernard
Gilbert, Norman Richard
Gilman, George
Godfrey, Carl R.
Godfrey, Leonard A.
Goodearl, Robert F.
Goodwin, Kenneth R.
Goodwin, Paul E.
Gould, Jr., Glenn
Gowen, Jr., Elmer F.
Granberg, Alfred O.
Gray, Raymond
Greeley, Robert W.
Grimes, Albert T.
Gunzelmann, Richard A.
Hardy, Richard
Hartwell, David Warren
Hayes, Ralph B.
Haynes, Albert L.
Hayward, Russell D.
Heath, Charles
Herrick, Ralph W.
Herrick, Jr., Ralph W.
Heuss, Frederick
Hickey, Carmine H.
Hickey, Samuel (possibly Sanford?) N.
Higgins, Edward J.
Higgins, Jr., Edward J.
Hodgdon, Doreen Jeffries
Holland, Neville R.
Holland, William D.
Hollowell, Calvin H.
Hollowell, Frederick E.
Hollowell, Harry M.
Horton, Ruth Armstrong
Horton, William Russell
Hough, John W.
House, Anita Virginia
Howard, Donald R.
Howe, Chellis
Howe, Richard P.
Hurley, Arthur L.
Hurley, Edward N.
Jenks, David L. (Killed in Action, France)
Jenney, Maurice P.
Jensen, Albert
Johnson, Donald E.
Johnson, Stanwood W.
Johnston, Carol H. B.
Johnston, Francis W.
Jones, Russell T.
Jordan, Jr., Chester P.
Jules, Laurie E.
Kansanniva, Kalervo
Kendall, Mary Leveroni
Keyes, Carleton C.
King, Hobart T.
Knight, Harold J.
Knippel, Ernst August
Kolenda, Anthony E.
Lacourse, Louis J.
Lathrop, Betsy S. Flanagan
Lauriat, Kenneth W.
Lawton, Robert A.
LeBoeuf, Conrad E.
Liebfried, Lawrence L.
Lizotte, Eileen
Locke, Milton R.
Lockwood, Ralph H.
Loring, Donald L.
Lovejoy, Howard W.
Lowe, Francis W.
MacDougall, Albert
MacDougall, Donald W.
MacDougall , Edward G.
MacDougall, Roderick D.
MacRae, Austin D.
Maglione, James
Maguire, John W.
Mahaney, Mildred E.
Mahoney, Adele J.
Manion, Charles P. (or E.)
Manion, Thomas J.
Manter, Charles D.
Marble, Betty L.
Marble, Jr., Ralph P.
Marini, Dominic
Marshall, William Lawrence
Mason, Robert Edward
Mauro, Ralph R.
May, Russell J.
McAllaster, Robert W. (Killed in Action, English Channel)
McAvenia, Jr., James F.
McAvenia, Raymond
McCabe, Richard S.
McGuire, David
McGuire, Edward L.
McGuire, John B.
McLaughlin, John
McNiff, Edmund J.
McPhee, Carroll Evan
McPhee, Donald Lyman
Mekkelsen, Helen
Mekkelsen, James
Merriam, Burton A.
Merriam, Jr., Herbert W.
Merriam, James A.
Mitchell, Donald F.
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Thomas S.
Montague, Robert J.
Montague, William H.
Morison, Jr., Alexander
Morison, Archibald
Morris, Robert J.
Morrison, Richard P.
Morse, Carroll B.
Morse, George A.
Morse, Merle R.
Murray, Robert
Nelson, Arthur W.
Newsham, Kenneth W.
Newsham, Richard Russell
Newsham, Robert E.
Newton, Clara
Nichols, John M. (Killed, Pacific)
Nichols, Jr., Orla E.
Nickerson, David A.
Nickerson, Harold E.
Nordberg, Harold F. (or S.)
Noterman, Jr., Emile L
Nugent, Bernard A.
Oelschlegel, Fritz F.
Ogilvie, Kent M.
Olsen, William P.
O'Neil, James E.
O'Rourke, Esther Parkhurst
O'Toole, David L.
Parkhurst, Esther M.
Parsons, Donald A. (&/or Donn W.)
Parsons, Harold B.
Paskiewicz, Anthony
Paskiewicz, Joseph
Pederson, George
Pederson, lngvald
Pendergast, Jr., Edward L.
Peppard, Murray Bisbee
Perkins, Laforest W.
Peterson, Edgar Howard
Peterson, Richard H.
Peterson, Robert A.
Peterson, Robert N.
Pettingell, Clarence E.
Phillips, Dexter C.
Pinolehto, Alice
Piper, Alvin Richmond
Prentiss, Brian A.
Prentiss, Harold (Jr.?)
Prentiss, Wentworth
Priest, Kenneth D.
Quimby, Clayton
Quin, Thomas J. (Jr.?)
Rahberg, Francis J.
Rahberg, Jr., Francis J.
Raymond, George J.
Rawitser, William R
Raymond, George J..
Reid, III., Robert A.
Reynolds, Albert
Reynolds, Lyle
Reynolds, Raymond A.
Reynolds, Robert W.
Rice, Benjamin Frank
Rich, Howard E.
Richardson, Paul I.
Rifford, Jr., George A.
Roberts, Jr., Nathan A.
Roche, Dorothy C.
Roche, Francis D.
Roche, Leo T.
Ryan, George E.
Saine, Paul W.
Schnair, Havelock J.
Schofield, Clifford A.
Scholfield, Katherine
Scribner, Jr., Harry V.
Scribner, Marylyn
Seaton, Hugh
Shaw, C. A.
Shaw, Gordon E.
Shaw, Harold Herman
Shaw, Richard Francis
Sisson, Richard C.
Smart, Ansel (Died, India)
Smart, Harry
Smith, Charles A.
Smith, Gordon A.
Smith, Ralph I.
Snyer, Harry
Snyer, Jr., Harry
Spencer, Donald A.
Spinney, Ralph E.
Sprague, Herbert E. (Killed in Service in Florida, after extensive service overseas)
Sprague, Ormond L.
Sprague, Paul F.
Staples, Howard
Stevens, Jr., John Newell
Stevens, Walter A.
Stoney, Dorothy E
Stuart, Alton
Stuart, William H.
Sweeney, Daniel J.
Sweeney, J. Wilfred
Sweeney, Paul J.
Sweet, Charles R.
Sweet, Millard M.
Sylvia, Stannard
Taylor, Charles P.
Taylor, Robert B. (Killed, Pearl Harbor)
Thane, George V.
Thatcher, Cedric L.
Thatcher, Jr., J. Henry
Thatcher, Leo F.
Thatcher, Robert E. H. (Killed in Service, Alaska)
Thomas, Roy T.
Thompson, Clayton
Tolman, Wilbur J.
Tompkins, Ruoff A.
Townsend, Robert L. (Killed in Action, Bougainville)
Tupper, Arthur
Tuttle, David T.
Tuttle, Horace Conant
Vitkauskis, Jr., Anthony S.
Walther, Francis A.
Walther, Joseph L.
Wamboldt, Hubert O. (or A.)
Wardle, William
Wayne, Burton H.
Webb, Kenneth L.
Wetherbee, Thomas E.
Whitcomb, Brewster
Whitcomb, Peter R.
Whittier, John McK.
Willett, Charles Frederick
Willett, Donald K.
Wood, Ruth O.
Yarnell, John P.
Yarnell, Lawrence A.
Young, Warren I.
Former Acton Residents and Others with Acton Ties Who Served:
Ehrhardt, Theodore, H. (teaching Principal of West Acton Elementary School 1938-1941, Enlisted 1941, Killed in Action)
Thomas, John (of Canton, early boyhood in Acton)
Aldred, Paul K.
Anderson, Edwin
Anderson, James M.
Anderson, John M.
Anderson, Walter A.
Anderson, Wilho M.
Baker, Milton
Ballard, Walter M.
Bartlett, Robert A.
Bartlett, W. C.
Beach, Alfred
Begley, Robert M.
Billings, Bernard
Bird, Jr., Frederick Thurston
Boatman, Dewey E.
Bohunicky, Philip W.
Bondelevitch, Stanley W.
Boyer, Jr., Charles W.
Bradley, James
Braman, Clarence E.
Braman, George A.
Briggs, Russell L.
Britt, Robert Francis (Killed in Action, Holland)
Brown, Robert
Bulette, Henry F.
Bundy, Hazel B.
Bundy, Lloyd
Bursaw, Burton B.
Bursaw, Edward W.
Bursaw, Kenneth
Bursaw, William W.
Butler, Edward
Butler, Horace Bert
Buxton, Harold A.
Callanan, Charles M.
Callanan, James B.
Campbell, Jean
Carey, Lester O.
Caron, Leo Wilfred
Charter, Franklin H.
Charter, John W.
Charter, Wesley D.
Chickering, Emerson
Chisholm, Walter F.
Claflin, Charles E.
Claflin, Jr., Leon M.
Clapp, Robert E.
Clapp, Victor
Clayton, George
Clemence, George B.
Cole, Thomas W.
Collins, Francis
Condon, William E.
Connor, Thomas L.
Conquest, Frederick S.
Conquest, John F.
Conquest, Thomas R.
Conroy, Francis J. (Killed)
Coombs, Earl I.
Costello, Edwin J.
Croft, John W.
Cullinane, Jr., Cornelius C.
Curley, John J.
Curley, Michael Gibbons
Curtis, Joseph W.
Curtis, Norman A.
Cushing, Preston L.
Danielson, Stanley M.
Davis, Jr., Henry A.
Davis, Ralph John
Day, Jr., Dr. Joseph P.
Day, III., Joseph P.
Decker, James Arthur
De Figueredo, Lincoln S.
Derby, Benjamin E.
Derby, Richard Allan
Dingee, James H.
Dingee, John Alton
Dora, Anthony J.
Downey, Frank E.
Downey, George P.
Doyle, Henry D.
Dragon, Augustave J.
Drury, Jr., William C.
Drury, William W.
Dugan, James L.
Duggan, John P.
Duggan, Peter J. (Killed in Action, Luzon)
Duren, Jr., Irving S.
Edney, James P.
Espie, Jr., James Eugene
Fanning, John H.
Farley, Jr., Charles J.
Farrar, John H.
Feely, William G.
Feltus, Donald O.
Feltus, Robert J.
Flagg, Jr., Alden C.
Fletcher, Robert J.
Flint, Carl W.
Foley, T. J.
Foote, Frederick M.
Foster, Albert Edward
Fraser, Margaret E.
Freeman, Carl A.
Freeman, Harold R.
Freeman, Samuel L.
Freeman, William H.
French, Jr., James H.
Gallagher, Thomas C.
Gallagher, Jr., Thomas C.
Gates, Dr. Paul P.
Gilbert, Alfred
Gilbert, George Bernard
Gilbert, Norman Richard
Gilman, George
Godfrey, Carl R.
Godfrey, Leonard A.
Goodearl, Robert F.
Goodwin, Kenneth R.
Goodwin, Paul E.
Gould, Jr., Glenn
Gowen, Jr., Elmer F.
Granberg, Alfred O.
Gray, Raymond
Greeley, Robert W.
Grimes, Albert T.
Gunzelmann, Richard A.
Hardy, Richard
Hartwell, David Warren
Hayes, Ralph B.
Haynes, Albert L.
Hayward, Russell D.
Heath, Charles
Herrick, Ralph W.
Herrick, Jr., Ralph W.
Heuss, Frederick
Hickey, Carmine H.
Hickey, Samuel (possibly Sanford?) N.
Higgins, Edward J.
Higgins, Jr., Edward J.
Hodgdon, Doreen Jeffries
Holland, Neville R.
Holland, William D.
Hollowell, Calvin H.
Hollowell, Frederick E.
Hollowell, Harry M.
Horton, Ruth Armstrong
Horton, William Russell
Hough, John W.
House, Anita Virginia
Howard, Donald R.
Howe, Chellis
Howe, Richard P.
Hurley, Arthur L.
Hurley, Edward N.
Jenks, David L. (Killed in Action, France)
Jenney, Maurice P.
Jensen, Albert
Johnson, Donald E.
Johnson, Stanwood W.
Johnston, Carol H. B.
Johnston, Francis W.
Jones, Russell T.
Jordan, Jr., Chester P.
Jules, Laurie E.
Kansanniva, Kalervo
Kendall, Mary Leveroni
Keyes, Carleton C.
King, Hobart T.
Knight, Harold J.
Knippel, Ernst August
Kolenda, Anthony E.
Lacourse, Louis J.
Lathrop, Betsy S. Flanagan
Lauriat, Kenneth W.
Lawton, Robert A.
LeBoeuf, Conrad E.
Liebfried, Lawrence L.
Lizotte, Eileen
Locke, Milton R.
Lockwood, Ralph H.
Loring, Donald L.
Lovejoy, Howard W.
Lowe, Francis W.
MacDougall, Albert
MacDougall, Donald W.
MacDougall , Edward G.
MacDougall, Roderick D.
MacRae, Austin D.
Maglione, James
Maguire, John W.
Mahaney, Mildred E.
Mahoney, Adele J.
Manion, Charles P. (or E.)
Manion, Thomas J.
Manter, Charles D.
Marble, Betty L.
Marble, Jr., Ralph P.
Marini, Dominic
Marshall, William Lawrence
Mason, Robert Edward
Mauro, Ralph R.
May, Russell J.
McAllaster, Robert W. (Killed in Action, English Channel)
McAvenia, Jr., James F.
McAvenia, Raymond
McCabe, Richard S.
McGuire, David
McGuire, Edward L.
McGuire, John B.
McLaughlin, John
McNiff, Edmund J.
McPhee, Carroll Evan
McPhee, Donald Lyman
Mekkelsen, Helen
Mekkelsen, James
Merriam, Burton A.
Merriam, Jr., Herbert W.
Merriam, James A.
Mitchell, Donald F.
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Thomas S.
Montague, Robert J.
Montague, William H.
Morison, Jr., Alexander
Morison, Archibald
Morris, Robert J.
Morrison, Richard P.
Morse, Carroll B.
Morse, George A.
Morse, Merle R.
Murray, Robert
Nelson, Arthur W.
Newsham, Kenneth W.
Newsham, Richard Russell
Newsham, Robert E.
Newton, Clara
Nichols, John M. (Killed, Pacific)
Nichols, Jr., Orla E.
Nickerson, David A.
Nickerson, Harold E.
Nordberg, Harold F. (or S.)
Noterman, Jr., Emile L
Nugent, Bernard A.
Oelschlegel, Fritz F.
Ogilvie, Kent M.
Olsen, William P.
O'Neil, James E.
O'Rourke, Esther Parkhurst
O'Toole, David L.
Parkhurst, Esther M.
Parsons, Donald A. (&/or Donn W.)
Parsons, Harold B.
Paskiewicz, Anthony
Paskiewicz, Joseph
Pederson, George
Pederson, lngvald
Pendergast, Jr., Edward L.
Peppard, Murray Bisbee
Perkins, Laforest W.
Peterson, Edgar Howard
Peterson, Richard H.
Peterson, Robert A.
Peterson, Robert N.
Pettingell, Clarence E.
Phillips, Dexter C.
Pinolehto, Alice
Piper, Alvin Richmond
Prentiss, Brian A.
Prentiss, Harold (Jr.?)
Prentiss, Wentworth
Priest, Kenneth D.
Quimby, Clayton
Quin, Thomas J. (Jr.?)
Rahberg, Francis J.
Rahberg, Jr., Francis J.
Raymond, George J.
Rawitser, William R
Raymond, George J..
Reid, III., Robert A.
Reynolds, Albert
Reynolds, Lyle
Reynolds, Raymond A.
Reynolds, Robert W.
Rice, Benjamin Frank
Rich, Howard E.
Richardson, Paul I.
Rifford, Jr., George A.
Roberts, Jr., Nathan A.
Roche, Dorothy C.
Roche, Francis D.
Roche, Leo T.
Ryan, George E.
Saine, Paul W.
Schnair, Havelock J.
Schofield, Clifford A.
Scholfield, Katherine
Scribner, Jr., Harry V.
Scribner, Marylyn
Seaton, Hugh
Shaw, C. A.
Shaw, Gordon E.
Shaw, Harold Herman
Shaw, Richard Francis
Sisson, Richard C.
Smart, Ansel (Died, India)
Smart, Harry
Smith, Charles A.
Smith, Gordon A.
Smith, Ralph I.
Snyer, Harry
Snyer, Jr., Harry
Spencer, Donald A.
Spinney, Ralph E.
Sprague, Herbert E. (Killed in Service in Florida, after extensive service overseas)
Sprague, Ormond L.
Sprague, Paul F.
Staples, Howard
Stevens, Jr., John Newell
Stevens, Walter A.
Stoney, Dorothy E
Stuart, Alton
Stuart, William H.
Sweeney, Daniel J.
Sweeney, J. Wilfred
Sweeney, Paul J.
Sweet, Charles R.
Sweet, Millard M.
Sylvia, Stannard
Taylor, Charles P.
Taylor, Robert B. (Killed, Pearl Harbor)
Thane, George V.
Thatcher, Cedric L.
Thatcher, Jr., J. Henry
Thatcher, Leo F.
Thatcher, Robert E. H. (Killed in Service, Alaska)
Thomas, Roy T.
Thompson, Clayton
Tolman, Wilbur J.
Tompkins, Ruoff A.
Townsend, Robert L. (Killed in Action, Bougainville)
Tupper, Arthur
Tuttle, David T.
Tuttle, Horace Conant
Vitkauskis, Jr., Anthony S.
Walther, Francis A.
Walther, Joseph L.
Wamboldt, Hubert O. (or A.)
Wardle, William
Wayne, Burton H.
Webb, Kenneth L.
Wetherbee, Thomas E.
Whitcomb, Brewster
Whitcomb, Peter R.
Whittier, John McK.
Willett, Charles Frederick
Willett, Donald K.
Wood, Ruth O.
Yarnell, John P.
Yarnell, Lawrence A.
Young, Warren I.
Former Acton Residents and Others with Acton Ties Who Served:
Ehrhardt, Theodore, H. (teaching Principal of West Acton Elementary School 1938-1941, Enlisted 1941, Killed in Action)
Thomas, John (of Canton, early boyhood in Acton)
Program, Dedication of Roll of Honor, November, 1943 (in AHS Collection)
The Torch, 1943 (Acton High School Yearbook, in AHS Collection)
"Beacon Honor Roll" published in the Acton Beacon in sections: February 28, March 13, March 27, and April 10, 1945, all on page 1.
"Citations Presented at Memorial Services," Acton Beacon, June 5, 1945, page 1.
"In Memoriam," Acton Beacon, May 25, 1945, pages 6-8.
"In Memoriam," Assabet Valley Beacon, May 27, 1965, page 2.
Program, Dedication of Roll of Honor, November, 1943 (in AHS Collection)
The Torch, 1943 (Acton High School Yearbook, in AHS Collection)
"Beacon Honor Roll" published in the Acton Beacon in sections: February 28, March 13, March 27, and April 10, 1945, all on page 1.
"Citations Presented at Memorial Services," Acton Beacon, June 5, 1945, page 1.
"In Memoriam," Acton Beacon, May 25, 1945, pages 6-8.
"In Memoriam," Assabet Valley Beacon, May 27, 1965, page 2.
See also:
List of WWII and Korean Conflict Veterans from Acton: Phalen, Harold. History of the Town of Acton. Cambridge, MA: Middlesex Printing Inc., 1954, Appendix XXII, page 435.
List of WWII and Korean Conflict Veterans from Acton: Phalen, Harold. History of the Town of Acton. Cambridge, MA: Middlesex Printing Inc., 1954, Appendix XXII, page 435.
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